Friday, January 14, 2011

My Biggest Story

As we continue to take time this month to bring attention to orphaned children around the world, I want to take time to share just why this specific topic is so very important to me. As I have said before, it is what started it all... this journey towards who I am and the purpose I've found in my life.

I'm still amazed when I think about it.

Here's the story..
When I was a very young teenager, preteen, actually.. I went to a big concert. At least it was for me, in those days. It was a Steven Curtis Chapman concert, and he had just founded Shaohannah's Hope (Now "Show Hope," the organization I have featured this month.)
There was a time during the concert when the lights went down, and they showed a video similar to the one in my last blog post, about little girls being abandoned in China. I remember, as a little girl, feeling like something inside me was exploding.. The world as I had come to know it all came crumbling down, as I looked around the stadium in which I was standing. I thought... What are we doing here?
Then, this man, Mr. Chapman, came walking back out onto the stage, holding a little girl. He proceeded to tell the story of how his teenage daughter had learned about these little girls, and had come to her parents, telling them that they  were going to adopt one. At first, they laughed and commended her big heart, telling her that it wouldn't be possible for them. Still, she continued. For several years, she hinted to her parents about it, leaving notes, never giving up. Eventually, it all came together, and after an adoption process, they traveled to China, and returned with a baby. They named her Shaohannah.
After that day, all I can say is that that story basically became my story as I took on the same strategy as that teenage girl. I knew we were going to adopt a baby girl from China. No doubt. I just had to help my parents realize it. From that time until I was about 15 years old, it was hard. So hard.. I wanted to bring that abandoned baby girl home more than anything. Anything. Little did I know that she wasn't even born yet.. Not until the year I turned 15.  
Everything came together so beautifully. In 2006, my parents flew to China and brought Hannah Kate Yang Rui home. My girl.

Two years later, I flew with my mom to Ethiopia after a 2nd adoption process, and we brought home Abebech (Abi) and Mamo (Adam)

They've grown up a bit since then.. :)

There's a video where I tell the story here
(I don't know if it will work if you're not my friend on fb. If you're not though, just request ;) )

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